A Yearly Review


This should be one of the easiest blog posts I write, but I find myself at a loss for words. The amount of support and trust you all have put behind me and my business makes me feel incredibly proud and grateful. You’ve made this little entrepreneur’s dream of being her own boss come true, and I cannot thank you all enough for that. Even though “thank you” doesn’t even begin to cover my appreciation, it will have to do for now. 

Here are the top three highlights of the 2023-2024 year for Maldonado Bookkeeping Services LLC:


At first, my bookkeeping business was a side hustle. I did a couple of clean up jobs for small business owners, and kept a couple of clients for monthly services. It wasn’t until I was faced with taking care of my daughter (pictured on the first page – isn’t she cute with my calculator?) that my husband and I decided I should go full-time. It was one of the scariest decisions I ever made. And like most scary decisions or leaps of faith, it turned out to be an exciting and fulfilling  journey. I am my own boss. Even typing that sentence out brings a smile to my face because I never thought I would be where I am today.


Bookkeeping started as extra cash flow. I love to travel and experience new things which can add up quickly! But of course that all changes when you have a child. As stated above, I deep dived into full-time. In the beginning, it was all about saving money and covering my extra expenses. Now, it’s about building a business to help offset costs for my beautiful family. It’s about making this business sustainable so that my husband can retire early or daughter can run it someday, if she wants. It’s no longer about me; it’s about we. 


This year was an incredible year of growth for Maldonado Bookkeeping Services LLC, both in clientele and in business management. Being able to get more training and add some apps to make this business run more efficiently is a big win. But, of course, we aren’t done. We’ve got our sights set on a couple more exciting things for the 2024-2025 year. That said, let the good times roll!


My daughter pushed me into becoming the full-time business owner that I am today. Of course, my husband helped too! Additionally, it’s my current clients and future clients that continue to make it a reality. Thank you is an understatement. I hope that you all can feel the strength of my gratitude after reading this yearly review. I encourage you to go about your day with a smile on your face because you’ve changed someone’s life for the better. 

Thank you for tuning in, and be sure to check out next month’s topic: The Ideal Bookkeeping Client


Kayla Maldonado