The Ideal Bookkeeping Client


Yep, this blog post is going to be a bit controversial and it needs to be discussed. There are many types of people in the world – organized and messy, flexible and rigid, Type A and Type B, etc. The greatest part about being human is our capability of change. There is no “one size fits all” business owner, but there are similarities amongst successful entrepreneurs. Likewise, there is no “one size fits all” client but there are similarities amongst the ideal bookkeeping clients. In my humble opinion, the ideal bookkeeping client is transparent, responsive, and can adapt to a new normal. Let’s go into more detail.


Transparency comes with a level of comfortability and trust. Therefore, a bookkeeper cannot expect their client to be transparent without building a sense of comfort and a foundation of trust with their client first. Once the comfort and trust have been created, then a bookkeeper should be able to expect transparency from their clients. We need clients to be transparent about their transactions so we provide the cleanest books possible to their CPA who can then file the best tax reports for the business.


Your responsiveness is the key to providing you with timely financial reports and information. Of course, we don’t expect you to be available at our beck and call. We understand you are a busy business owner who doesn’t want to worry about their books anymore. Shoot, that’s why you hired a bookkeeper! But, we are not mind readers. We can certainly give our best educated guess on what an expense was for, but we cannot decide if a PayPal expense is supplies or advertising without further details from our clients. Once we get those details, then our clients get their most accurate books.


Bookkeepers are not concerned with messy books. Let me repeat that. Bookkeepers are not concerned with messy books. All we care about is your ability to change. We can clean up messes left and right, but we cannot force you to change. We will provide you with suggestions on how to make your books cleaner, like not mixing personal expenses with business expenses, but it is up to you to adapt to that new normal. Trust me, it makes both of our lives easier!


The ideal bookkeeping client is transparent, responsive, and can adapt to a new normal. Bookkeepers understand that these attributes are not built in one day! We will work hard to create a safe, comfortable, and trustworthy foundation for the both of us to work together both efficiently and effectively. 

Thank you for tuning in, and be sure to check out next month’s topic: Questions You Should Ask a Prospective Bookkeeper


Kayla Maldonado