Who I Am and Why in the World I Chose Bookkeeping


Hello! Thank you for taking the time to read my first blog post. With a new year comes new resolutions, and writing a business blog just so happens to be one of mine. So, here it goes. 

My name is Kayla Maldonado, and I am the owner of Maldonado Bookkeeping Services, LLC. At work, I am a certified, remote bookkeeper with a BA in Social Work. At home, I’m a wife, a mom, and a recovering people pleaser. I married into a die-hard Seattle Seahawks family, so I better say “go Hawks” before I am disowned (only kidding… kind of). In my free time, I enjoy outdoor activities, but I also love sitting down and reading a good psychological thriller. Before bookkeeping, I worked as an insurance agent, a social worker at a children’s hospital, and a server. So why go into bookkeeping? Great question. Stay tuned.

I live my life by the motto “see a need, fill a need.” For you Disney-loving folks, you’ll recognize this quote from the movie Meet the Robinsons. While employed at my first insurance job (shout out to Jacoby Insurance), I worked my way up the ladder and recognized help was needed with the administrative, behind-the-scenes duties. Thus, bookkeeping came into the picture. At the time, I was working remotely out of an 800 square foot apartment in a new town where I didn’t know anyone. This became an issue because I am an extrovert and thrive off socialization. I chose to leave that position in pursuit of a different role within my new community. In looking for a better fit, I discovered people have bookkeeping businesses. What a concept. Mom and Shelley, if you’re reading this, thank you! 

Here are the reasons why I chose to hone my skills and pursue bookkeeping: 


My husband, family, friends, and past coworkers have all made comments about how organized and detail oriented I am. I’m sure they meant this as a compliment at first, but then I noticed they started to get annoyed by it. Sorry guys! In my view, everything has a place. And when it’s not in that place, I will gently remind you where it goes and why. This is why bookkeeping and I just click. Bookkeeping is straightforward in how each transaction should be organized using the Chart of Accounts (COA). Organizing fills me with joy, so why not do it for a living?


Crunching numbers is processing numerical data. This can occur in the form of analyzing and examining numbers to determine if you have enough money to afford new equipment for your business or a pair of new Jordans for your shoe collecting hobby (if you’re my husband) *rolls eyes*. Fun fact, the term number cruncher is a nickname for a bookkeeper! How fitting. Whether you earned a degree in accounting or a certification in bookkeeping, you have a proven level of education in understanding the accounting basics which are essential to bookkeeping. Plus, you get a cool piece of paper that shows everyone you have these abilities Yay for debits and credits, COAs, T-accounts, and financial reporting! 


Customer service is vital for any customer-facing job. Working in the restaurant industry is where I learned the true meaning of “the customer is always right.”  I would meticulously write down orders and make sure each customer got exactly what they requested. However, their satisfaction with the dining experience ultimately outweighed any disputes about accuracy one hundred percent of the time. Thankfully, the bookkeeping world relies on receipts to tell most of the story about a transaction. That said, it also requires a strong foundation of trust built between you and the client.  A client puts their trust in me by giving full access to their financial information which can be scary in a world filled with scams and fraud. In return, I trust their word when they say that a couch from Wayfair is for their business lobby and not their personal living room. Bookkeepers need to be understanding, transparent, relatable, and reliable. We ask the same of our clients. With my background in social work, insurance, and the service industry, I come to the table with a strong customer-service mindset, and I continue to develop those skills with each client interaction. These relationships have become the most rewarding part about choosing bookkeeping as a career.


Organization, crunching numbers, and customer service are the pieces that complete the puzzle of what it means to be a good bookkeeper. So, why in the world did I choose bookkeeping? It is because my employment history gave me the qualities I needed to be a great business owner. I just needed accounting education to become a bookkeeper. Bookkeepers who operate their own businesses are obsessed with organization, have proven knowledge of accounting basics, and have excellent people skills. We are a community of hardworking number crunchers that enjoy taking on a new business owner or a good clean-up project. We see a need, we fill a need. 

If you’ve made it this far, I applaud you. Thank you for sticking with me and be sure to check out next month’s topic: Why Your Business Needs a Bookkeeper.

